Q: What company owns "The Humanist Report?"

A: We're not owned by any company. We're 100% independently owned and operated by Mike Figueredo, the host.

Q: What is the THR video/episode schedule?
A: We usually release new video segments every day except weekends (usually).

Q: Is The Humanist Report on TV or Radio?
A: No. Our podcasts can be viewed on YouTube, MEANS TV and HumanistReport.com, and listened to on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio and SoundCloud.

Q: Are you with any progressive networks?
A: In 2020 we signed a non-exclusive licensing deal with MEANS TV to stream our content on their platform. We no longer have a licensing deal with MEANS TV as of August 2024. We joined TYT Network in March of 2017 and remained part of their network for 6 years. As of May 2023, we're no longer part of TYT Network and are no longer affiliated with The Young Turks.

Q: Do partners like TYT and/or MEANS TV have editorial oversight over THR's content?

A: No. TYT Network was our MCN, meaning they took a share of our ad revenue and, in turn, represented us in the event of disputes with YouTube. We are not big enough to be assigned a representative at YouTube, so in the event a video is deleted, demonetized, or we get a copyright claim, our former MCN (TYT Network) would've worked with a representative at YouTube on our behalf. As for MEANS TV, we submitted videos for publication to their streaming platform without editorial oversight. MEANS could've chosen to not publish particular videos, but they did not influence what we discussed on THR or how we discussed it. Mike has full editorial discretion and control.

Q: When did "The Humanist Report" launch?
A: We filmed and uploaded our first video on June 18, 2015.

Q: Why are there advertisements for the NRA or Republicans before your YouTube videos?
A: We can't control what types of advertisements play before our content (just like we're unable to control what types of ads Google displays on this website). Since we're listed in the "news and politics" category, Google/YouTube will automatically play ads they think are relevant.

Q: Did the companies that you were affiliated with/sponsor you (Amazon, Audible, Lootcrate, Gamefly, etc.) try to influence your views on political issues, and/or pressure you to not focus on certain issues?

A: Those companies didn't monitor our content. We were enrolled in the same generic "sponsorship" programs as many other YouTubers. In fact, anyone with a podcast or a website can join here. Amazon's affiliate program is akin to Google's Adsense program, where anyone can join and promote their products for commission. When it comes to other companies such as Audible, Lootcrate, Gamefly, etc.—again—we were enrolled in the same program as other YouTubers with companies such as Impact Radius, where you can sign your website or podcast up, and then they provide you with different companies you're able to advertise, hence why you see many YouTubers promoting the same companies (typically Amazon and Audible), because we're all enrolled in the same affiliate programs, and none of us are in direct contact with these companies. If a company did try to influence our views, we would not be associated with them. Thankfully, with these affiliate programs, YouTubers can earn commission for referring their viewers and/or visitors to these affiliates without ever having to talk to the companies in question.However, we are no longer using these programs. 

​Q: Can I support the show by using an Amazon link?

A: As of 2019, Amazon has terminated our participation in their affiliate program. They claimed our podcast was in violation of the program's ToS because we encouraged users to bookmark the Amazon link, however, the example they pointed us towards of said violation was a video of Mike critiquing Amazon's greed and exploitative labor practices. That probably also has something to do with it. :)

Q: Do you currently have any corporate affiliates like GameFly or Lootcrate?

A: No. Our participation in previous sponsorship programs with Impact Radius and Influencer Brigade has ended. As the show has shifted towards member support/grassroots funding, we've tried to rely less on revenue from any corporation that we have not thoroughly vetted. The last ad campaign we ran was from a small coffee shop (Seven Coffee Roasters) in Seattle, Washington. 

Q: Can I advertise on The Humanist Report?

A: While we've previously been open to advertising small businesses, we've stopped offering to sell ad space on the website and YouTube channel and don't plan to accept sponsorships for the foreseeable future. 

Q: Who manages The Humanist Report website and edits videos?

A: Mike manages the day-to-day operations, planning, and some editing, but as of 2020, Mike's husband became the full-time editor for the podcast.

Q: Can I potentially work for The Humanist Report or volunteer?

A: We don't have any opportunities available at this time. We firmly believe no substantial amount of work should go unpaid, thus we are not accepting volunteers or seeking to fill any unpaid positions unless we can offer a living wage and full benefits.

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